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PRA offers a customized sponsorship packages for events as well as year-round exposure.
PRA offers training and continuing education opportunities through the Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery, your trusted source of vetted, important information, comprising of programs in the areas of psychiatric rehabilitation, as well as leadership and management. To grow and train the recovery workforce, the Academy provides whole lifelong career learning in Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Wellness, Resiliency & Recovery.
The Academy in-person programs, certificate programs, online courses and webinars, are designed for CEOs, senior and mid-level staff, those new to psychiatric rehabilitation, and future leaders – offered at levels to match your knowledge and experience. The Academy faculty are leading experts in psychiatric rehabilitation to ensure the recovery workforce receives quality training and education through a combination of positive learning experiences and exceptional content.
Customized sponsorship opportunities are available for individual programs within the Academy, or an entire educational track, an in-person session or an online session. Contact LaTrese Wallacey, Manager of Association Services for more information on customized proposals and sponsorship at 703.442.2078.
40th Annual Wellness and Recovery Summit in Atlanta, GA
The 2017 Wellness and Recovery Summit was presented by PRA and PRF, in partnership with GA-PRA.
Sponsors had the opportunity to
- MEET THEIR TARGET AUDIENCE in a location focused around training, learning and network building;
- EXPAND RELATIONSHIPS with psychiatric rehabilitation community at all levels, in a conference framework designed to attract not just practitioners, but organizational and business management and executives; and
- BENEFIT FROM tailored opportunities, at an array of investment levels, that will help ensure maximum visibility and ongoing benefit.
Interested in sponsoring the 2018 Wellness and Recovery Summit? Contact LaTrese Wallace at to discuss your sponsorship today.