
If your PRA credential has lapsed, you may now apply for reinstatement without retaking the Certification Exam. Applicants for reinstatement are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Certification Commission for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery.

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The PRA Certification Reinstatement Program is an opportunity for individuals with a lapsed Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP) or Certified Child and Family Resiliency Practitioner (CFRP) credential to apply for reinstatement of their certification and re-enter a normal recertification cycle – without having to retake the certification exam!  Individuals taking advantage of this opportunity to enhance their professional status by reinstating their certification will again be distinguished with an internationally recognized professional credential in psychiatric rehabilitation. 

Contact PRA at to get started. We will be happy to walk you through the process!  

Application Review 

Applications will be reviewed by the Certification Commission for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery (the “Commission”) on a case-by-case basis. There is no automatic disqualification from reinstatement based on submitted answers. However, 45 contact hours of qualifying continuing education (as described here) within the past 36 months will need to be submitted in order for reinstatement to be approved. 

After you submit your application, you must submit your reinstatement fee to be reviewed.

If you have any questions regarding your certification or membership status, please contact before submitting.

You can find the Reinstatement Application HERE.


As of January 1, 2023, the following CEU requirements will go into effect.  The number of CEUs required for reinstatement will be based on how long your credential has been expired. 

Approval and Reinstatement


Upon Commission approval for reinstatement, applicants will be notified via email and provided a payment form for the final reinstatement fee.  After payment is received, PRA will send confirmation of reinstatement, as well as new certification dates and deadlines, within 10 business days.  PRA staff will verify member status when processing payments and may contact applicants if their membership has lapsed.  PRA no longer delivers physical certificates; electronic certificates are sent via email.


  • Initial Application Fee: $50
  • Final Reinstatement Fee (upon application approval): $195 (PRA Member) / $315 (PRA Non-member)

Payment Terms & Conditions

Application and reinstatement fees are final and non-transferable.