Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

Published quarterly, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal is the official professional journal of PRA and features original contributions related to the rehabilitation, psychosocial treatment, and recovery of people with serious mental illnesses. PRJ's target audience includes psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners and researchers, as well as recipients of mental health and rehabilitation services.

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The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (PRJ) is a joint publication of PRA, the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Published quarterly, PRJ is the official professional journal of PRA and features original contributions related to the rehabilitation, psychosocial treatment, and recovery of people with serious mental illnesses. PRJ's target audience includes psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners and researchers, as well as recipients of mental health and rehabilitation services. 

PRJ is a part of the APA publishing library, increasing visibility of the journal within the field of mental health, helping to promote principles of psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery. With APA as its publisher, PRJ'smission is to promote the development of new knowledge related to psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery. Each issue features articles, brief reports, consumer/survivor perspectives, and literature reviews.

PRJ is a key resource for members to stay informed about the field of psychiatric rehabilitation. Each of PRA's individual members and the primary contact of organizational members will receive a printed copy of each new issue of PRJ as well as online access to the entire catalog of issues. Employees of PRA organizational members will have online access to PRJ.

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