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Brand-new session formats for this year create new and exciting ways to learn. Find out more information about our TED-Like Talks and Poster Presentations below. Earn up to 26 continuning education credits at 2015 Recovery Workforce Summit. Search all sessions and faculty.
Ted-Like Talks – New for this year!
Share your great ideas and insight with the PRA Community by submitting a Ted-Like Talk. The 20-minute, Ted-Like Talk presentations are idea-focused, and on a wide range of subjects to foster learning, inspiration and wonder and thus, provoke conversation among. Three (3) Ted-Like Talk presentations will be grouped together in one 90 minute session block, allowing for roughly 30 minutes of Q&A following the three (3) Ted-Like Talk presentations.
Display Poster Presentations - New for this year!
Submit a poster presentation if your work lends itself best to a visual representation, or if you do not wish to make a formal presentation in front of an audience. Posters should represent in-progress research or finished research, and/or research-informed projects. In these sessions, the presenter stands near his/her poster or exhibit and discusses its content or design with nearby conference attendees. Poster presentations are an appropriate outlet for professional or student studies or visual research. Don't forget to check-out more information about posters presented from the VA PSR Fellowship.