Public Policy Advocacy and People in Recovery

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PsyR Connections 2013 Issue 3
September 25, 2013

David Sanders, PRA Board Member

There is a quote I often think of when considering the importance of being at the table where decisions are made. Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa once said, “If you are not at the table, you are on the menu.” I believe this is especially true for decisions made in regard to policies affecting people in recovery from mental illness. As a person in recovery myself, I make it a priority to be more knowledgeable about public policy and how that will affect my life, and also the lives of my peers.

Strategy is important when conducting public policy advocacy. Knowing when and where to deliver your message, and how to craft that message is crucial. Over the years I have picked up some “habits” from my mentors and from experience that I practice when considering tackling a public policy issue. A good foundation for your advocacy is to familiarize yourself with the legislative process, and with any allies and decision makers at your local level. The “habits” as I call them are listed below.

  1. Investigate. Look into what the policy makers are considering. What do your peers and allies think are the issues? Look for issues being considered that fit into your priorities. 
  1. Evaluate. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of being proactive or reactive on every issue. An example of a proactive strategy is taking action when a piece of legislation is introduced, or advocate for introduction of the legislation. A reactive approach is monitoring legislation and taking action if the legislation is taken up by the decision making body. Remember, you may choose to be proactive on some issues and reactive on others.
  1. Defend Your Position. Gather materials that you will need to back up your position. Consider factors such as who might challenge it and why, and who will support the issue and why. Consult with your allies when forming a position, and make sure they stay involved throughout the process.
  1. Educate Yourself. Familiarize yourself with the structure and policy making process of your local decision making body. Know which representative on that body is responsible for representing you and your local community. Listen for what the elected officials care about, and who the key players are. Know what your role as an advocate is in the process, and where you fit in.
  1. Develop a Plan. Identify issues, and identify individuals who will support your position. Also know who will oppose it and why. Work together with your allies to develop a position and create a plan that is specific, and assigns activities and roles to team members.  Activate your alliance through consistent and frequent communication. Make sure everyone understands their responsibilities in the plan.
  1. Take Action. This is where all your planning comes into practice. Implement the actions you identified in your plan, such as writing letters or e-mails, making phone calls, and distributing any materials such as position statements that you have developed. Whatever the plan is, implement it fully and keep to timelines and other details in the plan. It is also helpful to remain flexible, because the plan may need to be changed at a moment’s notice when your issue begins to take shape.  
  1. Follow Up. Many times we all get so busy with the action part of the plan that we forget to follow up with decision makers and allies about the final outcome. Sending thank you letters to policy makers regardless of the outcome may pave the way for a future collaborative relationship. Always inform your allies of the outcomes of your activity, and celebrate successes.  

People in recovery must unite and initiate conversations with policy makers that lead to action for improving their quality of life, protect their human and civil rights, and build strong communities. Policy makers must value and seek input from the recovery community on policies that impact our lives. Together we can create and implement public policy that builds and strengthens communities that are recovery informed and oriented.

PRA just held its annual Hill Day. If public policy interests you, plan to join us in Washington, DC for the 2014 Hill Day. Details will be emailed to you as soon as the 2014 dates are announced.