Supercharging Health and Wellness Initiatives With Fundraising and Interventions That Work

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Monday, June 26 / 8:30 am to 10:00 am

How many of us, charged with helping those we serve to make healthy, wellness-supporting choices, can say we consistently make those choices for ourselves?  With obesity rates among the highest of any profession at 32-35% of workers, it's imperative that we "walk the talk" in our efforts to work with integrity to promote healthy lifestyles for those we serve.  Borrowing from field of behavioral economics, nutritional science and studies related to the mind-body connection, presenters will destroy the myth that our agencies don't have the time or resources to invest in health and wellness promotion activities.

Session Details


Health & Wellness, Advocacy, Change Management, Goal Setting, Health Integration, Marketing Strategies, Revenue Generation


Steve LaMaster

Kyle Ellen Kennedy

Catherine Eccles