Beyond Recovery: Positive Psychology And The Science Of Happiness

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Monday, June 26 / 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Imagine the possibilities if we focused on thriving!  What can we learn about resilience and healing when we explore what is possible rather than what is broken?  This two-part workshop will provide the opportunity to learn “from the balcony and on the dance floor” (Tal Ben Shahar) as we present theory and concepts from positive psychology and directly experience a sampling of practices that have the power to transform lives.  Participants will be introduced to key concepts in positive psychology, including mind/body connection, gratitude, authenticity and choice, and learn applications for personal growth and to work with individuals seeking recovery.  

Session Details


Health & Wellness, Change Management, Goal Setting, Person-Centered Planning Skills


Elizabeth Whitney

Anthony Zipple (CPRP)