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PRA Developed and/or Published Resources
- Best Practices in Psychosocial Rehabilitation (2014) (2nd Ed) ISBN-13:9780965584357 .
- Supported Education and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- CFRP Exam Blueprint
- PRA Core Principles and Values
- PRA Core Principles and Values for Children's Services
- Principles of Multi-Cultural Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
- PRA Code of Ethics
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Language Policy Guidelines (published by IAPSRS: 2003)
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (all articles/all volumes)
Online Documents
- Chovil, N. (2009). Engaging Families in Child & Youth Mental Health: A Review of Best, Emerging and Promising Practices
- Janardhana, N and Naidu,D. (2012 ).Inclusion of people with mental illness in Community Based Rehabilitation: need of the day
- Kitchener, B. A., et al. Youth Mental Health First Aid
- Snow, K. (2011). People First Language
- Recupero, Patricia R., J.D., M.D. .Law & Psychiatry: Legal Concerns for Psychiatrists Who Maintain Web Sites
- SAMHSA. Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services
- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. .Facts for Families Guide, Helping Teenagers With Stress
- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. .Facts for Families Pages, Afterschool Activities: Striking the Right Balance
- The "Getting it Right" Scripts for Therapists
- APA Resilience Guide
- SAMSHA. Eight Dimensions of Wellness: A Holistic Guide to Whole-Person Wellness
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings: What should Protection Programme Managers Know?
- Psychological First Aid: Preserving Dignity in Crisis Response
- World Health Organization
- Zajac. K. (2013.Transition Age Youth With Mental Health Challenges in the Juvenile Justice System
Texts and Journal Articles
- Alvord, M., Gurwitch,R., Martin, J., and Palomares, R. (2013). Resilience Guide for Parent and Teachers.
- Barkley, Russell A., et al. (2014). Defiant Teens: A Clinician’s Manual for Assessment and Family Intervention.
- Berk, Laura. (2012). Infants, Children and Adolescents. (7th edition).
- Blaustein, M and Kinniburgh, K. (2010). Treating Traumatic Stress in children and Adolescents: How to foster resilience through attachment, self-regulation and competency.
- Bowdetn, V.R., Smith Greenberg, C. (2013).Children and Their Families: A Continuum of Care.
- Brent, David, et al. (2011). Treating Depressed and Suicidal Adolescents: A Clinicians Guide.
- Brooks, Rober, et al. (2012). Raising Resilient Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Brooks, R. and Goldstein, S. (2002). Fostering Strength, Hope and Optimism in your Child: Raising Resilient Children.
- Brooks, R. and Goldstein, S. (2001). Raising Resilient Children: Fostering Strength, Hope and Optimism in Your Child.
- Brooks, R. and Goldstein, S. (2014). Handbook of Resilience in Children.
- Burns, Barbara and Hoagwood, Kimberly. (2002).Community Treatment for Youth and Adolescents.
- Burns, Barbara and Hoagwood, Kimberly. (2002). Community Treatment for Youth: Evidence-Based Interventions for Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
- Canino, Ian A. and Spurlock,Jeanne. (2000). Culturally Diverse Children and Adolescents.
- Carter, Christine. (2010) Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for Joyful Kids and Happy Parents.
- Carter, E. W., Weir, K., Cooney, M., Walter, M. J., & Moss, C. (2012). Fostering self-determination among children and youth with disabilities: Learning from parents. Exceptional Parent, 42(3), 13-17
- Cooper- Kahn Joyce et al. (2008) Late, Lost and Unprepared; A Parents' Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning.
- Copeland, M. E. WRAP for Kids
- Copeland, M. E. Family WRAP: A Wellness Recovery Action Plan for Families.
- Ford, Loren and Arter, Judith. (2013). Human Relations: A Game Plan for Improving Personal Adjustment (Fifth edition).
- Fremont, Wanda. (2003). American Family Physician.
- Friesen, B. J., Koroliff, N. M., Walker, J. S. and Briggs, H. E. (2011).Family and Youth Voice in Systems of Care: The Evolution of Influence
- Guerra, N.G., Williamson, A.A., Lucas-Molina,B. (2012). IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
- Hjense, P., Hoagwood, S. and Eaton, K. (2008). Improving Children's Mental Health Through Parent Empowerment: A guide to assisting families.
- Jongsma, Arthur E., Peterson, L. Mark and McInnis, W. (2006). The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner.
- Kolmbs, K. (2009). Managing Facebook as a Mental Health Professional.
- Friesen, B. J., Koroliff, N. M., Walker, J. S., and Briggs, H. E. (2011). Family and Youth Voice in Systems of Care: The Evolution of Influence. Best Practices in Mental Health. 7(1):1-25.
- Garralda. M. E., et al. (2010). Increasing Awareness of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (2nd edition).
- Green, A. E., Albanese, B. J., Shapiro, N. M., and Aarons, G. A. (2014). The Roles of Individual and Organizational Factors in Burnout among Community-Based Mental Health Service Providers. Psychosocial Services. 11:1. American Psychological Association.
- Gruttadaro, Darcy J.D. et al. (2009). Reinvesting in the Community: A Family Guide to Expanding Home and Community-Based Mental Health Services and Supports.
- Liberman Robert Paul. (2008). Recovery from Disability: Manual of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Linehan, Marsha. (2014). DBT Skills Training. Handouts and Worksheets.
- Madsen, William C. (2013).Collaberative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families.
- Mash, Eric J. and Barkely, Russell A. (2003). Child Psychopathology. (Second Ed.). The Guilford Press. New York; London.
- Maslow, A.H., (1997). Motivation of Personality. Pearson.
- McGinnis, E. et al. (2013). Skill Streaming the Adolescent: A Guide for Teaching Prosocial Skills (3rd Ed.). Research Press.
- McGurk, Susan. (2010) .Implementation of the Thinking Skills for Work Program in a Psychosocial Clubhouse. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2010 Winter;33(3):190-9.
- Monnesano, V. (2014). Adapting CBT for Psychosis for Case Managers: Increasing Access to Services in a Community Mentral Health Agency. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2014; 37(1):11-6
- Moore, Margaret and Tschannen-Moran, Bob. (2009). Coaching Psychology Manual. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins .
- Nicholsosn, J., Wolf, T., Wilder, C. and Biebel, K. (2015).Creating Options for Family Recovery: A Provider's Guide to Promoting Parental Mental Health. Advances in Mental Health: Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention. Volume 13.2: 168-169.
- Ollendick, T and Hersen, M.. (2012). Handbook of Child Psychopathology Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
- Payne, Ruby K. (2003). A Framework for Understanding Poverty. Aha! Process, Inc.
- Pratt., C. Gill, K., et al. (2013). Psychiatric Rehabilitation (3rd edition).
- Pruitt, David. B., (1998).Your Adolescent: what every parent needs to know: what's normal, what's not and when to seek help. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
- Shapira, J.P., Friedbert, R.D and Bardenstein, K.K. (2015). Child and Adolescent Therapy, Science and Art. (2nd Ed).
- Spanish, L., Zipple, A., Marsh, D. and Finley, L. (2000).The role of the family in psychiatric rehabilitation. Boston Center for Psych Rehab.
- Spence, N. and Harris-Bowlsby, J. (2012). Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, 4th Ed. Pearson.
- Straus, Martha B. (2007). Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Intervention and Hope.
- Walker, Steven. (2002). Culturally Competent Protection of Children’s Mental Health. Child Abuse Review. Volume 11.6: 380-393. November/December2002.
- Wille, N., M.P.H., Bettge, S., M.P.H. and Ravens-sieberer, U. (2008).Risk and protective factors for children's and adolescents' mental health: results of the BELLA study.
- Williams, Nathaniel. (2009).Dose-Effect of Children's Psychosocial Rehabilitation on the Daily Functioning of Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbances.
- Wolfe., L. and Firemark, A. (2012).Engaging Youths with Serious Mental Illnesses in Treatment: STARS Study Consumer Recommendations.